UpComing Soapbox Race Infomation Page
The rules for the soapbox race can be found below. Click on the link below to let us know that you are interested in entering a car and kiddo.
Soap Box Entry Form Sponsor Form
-Racing Starts at 10:00 am
-Awards Celebration at 3:00pm
-$40 Entry Fee
Race day is October 14th, 2023
Your $200 Sponsorship includes:
-Prominent display of your Banner at teh Race Venue
-Your Name publishled in the local newspaperas a sponsor of the race.
-Mention of your sponsorship at announcements
-New Sponsors add $100 for the manufacture of your Banner
Payment Accepted
Please Make checks payableto:
Ford Lodge #270
Pilot Point Soap Box Races Rules and Classifications Race Classification Classes: Class One - Classic Class This classification of vehicle is defined by the requirements below and will be generally “homebuilt style”. This race classification is for the community to be involved in a wholesome, crowd pleasing, activity that anyone can build and race in. Class Two - Pro Mod Class This classification is a more “professional” class of racers, more competition based. Use of approved wheels, bearings, ballast and etc. are permitted. Car Requirements: Class One - 1. Four wheels 2. Foot activated braking mechanism 3. Fully functional steer assembly 4. Must be able to fit on 4x8 platform (starting gate) 5. 3” min clearance under lowest point of car 6. Overall safe construction and maintenance 7. No spikes, horns, or other protrusions that could pose a safety hazard 8. weight restrictions - No additional weighting is allowed 9. Artwork, sponsorships, paint highly encouraged (Family friendly tasteful artwork) Class Two 1. All Class One rules in addition to 2. wheels no restrictions on type or material 3. construction materials - wood, plastic, fiberglass 4. axle construction, foils, washers, attachment hardware - No restriction on items 5. weights or ballast may be included Driver Requirements and Conduct Ages 6 to 13 Verbal and physical abuse along with unsportsmanlike conduct will not be permitted Pit crew members or drivers will comply with race officials and their decisions No cars will be permitted to race, in competition, if they fail to meet car or driver requirements The consumption of alcohol or the use of drugs is prohibited